Make One, Break One: My Week 2 Update

Quick recap: Make One, Break One is a 30-Day Challenge that focuses on small steps towards a larger end goal. For my 30-Day Challenge, I chose for my "make one" habit to be: I will go on a daily 3-mile walk. For my "break one" habit: I will not drink any soda. 


My first week was actually easier than I anticipated. I think it's just the excitement of finally starting towards a new goal maybe? Don't get me wrong, I had some struggles, but overall, I was shocked how I quickly I seemed to adapt to it. I loved the coloring tracker and it truly helped me stay focused. 


I knew week 2 was going to be a tougher week on me in so many ways. For one thing, family started coming into town on Monday, my 3rd son then graduated from high school on Thursday night, family was here until the following Monday, which was also Memorial Day. So, company, emotional event/celebration, and then holiday cookout. Whew. Can we throw in any more possible distractors and temptations?!?! 😂 I was happy going into this week that I was already building momentum and determined to stick to my challenge habits. I have also learned, if I am busy throughout the day, when it comes to the evening, I'm simply worn out AND busy socializing with guests and not as motivated to walk. With that in mind, all week I woke up at 5am (about an hour early for me) and knocked my walk out immediately. I know, deep down, that I need to exercise first thing in the morning. I am NOT a morning person (that is an understatement), but there is something to waking up early, getting a workout in, and then facing the day knowing you have already accomplished so much. I have a feeling THIS aspect of a habit will make its way into a future challenge. For now, as long as I get my 3-mile walk in, I'm happy. As I learned in Week 1, Sundays are likely my biggest challenge. I truly forgot to wake up early this Sunday (my 3rd Sunday during the challenge) so my walk was missed before church. The afternoon was spent enjoying in town family (grandbaby is in town, so the NanaBoo hat was on in full force!) My son actually helped me to hang up a swing on the back porch for my granddaughter and she loves it, so, time well spent! I struggled not doing my walk, so, as evening fell, I went on a walk, but cut it short at only 2.25 miles. I was tired and decided my body needed me to simply rest. On Memorial Day, I also slept in a bit, took my grandbaby to the zoo, ate lunch with family and then went to a cookout at a friend's house. The day was jam packed, and the walk was completely skipped. I am working on making healthy habits and I won't let a missed day derail me. It would be easy to fully abandon ship. Instead, I simply missed 1 day of a 3-mile walk, and jumped right back on it the next day. No big deal. 

I missed my walk, but YEAH for cute new swing in place! 😍

Soda. Whew. I think right now is where the rubber meets the road. I've been keeping no soda in the house and that has helped me stick to my no soda breaking habit. With company in town, we had soda in the house. We also went out to eat and then went to a cookout. Several times I almost caved. But - I didn't! Woot!  I know I need to be careful because I am getting to that time where if I allow myself even a small sip or 'cheat' - I will quickly spiral back to my old ways. I have been digging down deep, reminding myself of my larger goals and sticking to the plan. It's vital to know your "why" and to keep yourself focused on the bigger picture. Truly, I have learned, again, the coloring tracker, for me, has been a life saver! It only takes me a minute to do each night, but, it gives me a moment to stop and reflect on my goals. As I color, I'm reflecting on the obstacles in my way, how my progress feels and reminding myself of the bigger picture. 


Have you started yet? Truly, pick a micro habit to start. Make it something you can start tomorrow. Pick another habit to break. Again, something you can start tomorrow. If you do not even know where to start, start with the goal setting guide! Where do you want to be in 5 years? What person do you want to see in the mirror? Envision who you wish to become. Change will not happen overnight. But, if you take small steps in the right direction, you will make it! And what is exciting, the hardest part is just starting. Once you start, discipline will breed discipline. So, take that first step and join me! 

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Crafting a Healthy Summer Morning Routine: A Guide for the Working Midlife Woman

As the warm rays of the sun filter through the curtains, signaling the arrival of a new day, it's time to embrace the serenity and promise of a summer morning. Amidst the demands of career and family, a well-crafted morning routine can set the tone for a productive, balanced, and fulfilling day. Here's a guide to curating the perfect summer morning routine tailored to the needs of the modern midlife woman.

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Make One, Break One: A 30-Day Challenge to Transform Your Habits

In the journey towards personal growth, the concept of "make one, break one" serves as a powerful tool for fostering positive change. By simultaneously cultivating a new, beneficial habit while shedding an old, detrimental one, you can unlock your potential for lasting transformation. Embarking on a 30-day challenge centered around this principle involves committing to small, manageable steps each day. Whether it's incorporating mindfulness practices, such as meditation or journaling, to make room for self-reflection, or gradually reducing screen time to break the habit of excessive digital consumption, every action contributes to the journey of self-improvement. Simply commit to making one small step towards the positive change you would like to adopt into your life. Throughout the challenge, it's essential to embrace patience and perseverance, recognizing that change doesn't happen overnight. Celebrate each milestone and learn from setbacks, understanding that progress is a continuous process.As the days pass, the synergy between making one positive change and breaking one negative pattern becomes increasingly evident. By the end of the 30 days, you will emerge with newfound habits that align with your goals and values, taking a small step towards your ultimate goals.The "make one, break one" approach empowers you to take control of your habits and shape your future one step at a time. Through consistent effort and dedication, the journey towards personal evolution becomes not only attainable but also immensely rewarding.

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Break Free: Your Cold Turkey Guide to Quitting Bad Habits

Are you ready to break free from a habit (or habits) once and for all? Quitting cold turkey might seem daunting, but it's a powerful approach to reclaiming control over your life. Let’s explore the benefits, challenges, and strategies for successfully kicking a habit to the curb without looking back. From understanding the psychology behind cold turkey to practical tips for staying strong, join me on a journey towards liberation and self-empowerment. It's time to take that first step towards a brighter, healthier you.

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Breaking Free: A Practical Guide to Quitting Bad Habits

Breaking a bad habit is often easier said than done. Whether it's biting your nails, smoking, or procrastinating, habits can be deeply ingrained in our routines and psyche. However, with determination, patience, and the right strategies, it's possible to overcome them. Here's a comprehensive guide on how to quit a bad habit:1. Acknowledge the Habit: The first step towards change is recognizing and admitting the habit. Understand why it's harmful and how it impacts your life negatively. This self-awareness forms the foundation for your journey towards quitting.2. Set Clear Goals: Define your reasons for quitting and set specific, achievable goals. Whether it's improving your health, productivity, or relationships, having clear objectives will keep you motivated and focused.3. Replace with Positive Habits: Replace the negative habit with a positive one. For instance, if you're trying to quit smoking, find alternative activities like exercise or meditation to cope with cravings. Redirecting your energy towards constructive habits helps fill the void left by the old habit.4. Identify Triggers: Understand the triggers that prompt your habit and avoid them whenever possible. Whether it's stress, boredom, or social situations, recognizing and managing triggers is crucial for breaking the habit loop.5. Practice Mindfulness: Develop mindfulness techniques to observe your thoughts and cravings without acting on them. Mindfulness meditation can help increase self-awareness and control over your impulses, making it easier to resist temptation.6. Seek Support: Don't hesitate to reach out for support from friends, family, or support groups. Surround yourself with people who encourage and motivate you to stay on track. Sharing your struggles and progress with others can provide accountability and encouragement.7. Stay Patient and Persistent: Breaking a habit takes time and effort, so be patient with yourself. Understand that setbacks are a natural part of the process and use them as learning opportunities. Stay persistent and committed to your goals, even when faced with challenges.8. Celebrate Milestones: Celebrate your achievements along the way, no matter how small. Recognizing your progress boosts confidence and reinforces your commitment to change. Treat yourself to something special or indulge in a favorite activity as a reward for reaching milestones.9. Visualize Success: Visualize yourself free from the habit and living a healthier, happier life. Create mental images of the benefits of breaking the habit, such as improved health, productivity, and self-esteem. Visualizing success enhances motivation and reinforces your determination to quit.10. Learn from Relapses: If you slip up and revert to the old habit, don't be too hard on yourself. Instead, analyze what triggered the relapse and learn from it. Use the experience to adjust your strategies and strengthen your resolve to overcome the habit for good.Breaking a bad habit is a challenging but rewarding journey that requires commitment, self-discipline, and resilience. By following these steps and staying focused on your goals, you can successfully quit any bad habit and unlock a healthier, happier life. Remember, change is possible, and every step towards breaking free from a bad habit brings you closer to becoming the best version of yourself.

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The Power of Micro Habits: Small Steps, Big Changes

Have you ever felt overwhelmed by the idea of making big changes in your life? You're not alone. The good news is that success lies in the power of micro habits – tiny, manageable actions that add up to significant progress over time.So, what exactly are micro habits? Picture this: instead of trying to overhaul your entire routine overnight, you focus on small, achievable actions that align with your goals. Whether it's drinking an extra glass of water each day, taking a 10-minute walk, or spending five minutes meditating, these tiny habits may seem insignificant on their own, but they pack a powerful punch when practiced consistently.Why are micro habits so effective? Well, for starters, they're easy to integrate into your daily life. Unlike massive changes that can feel daunting and unsustainable, micro habits are bite-sized enough to slip seamlessly into your routine without causing disruption.Micro habits help build momentum. By starting small and gradually increasing the difficulty over time, you create a sense of accomplishment with each tiny victory. This positive reinforcement fuels your motivation and makes it easier to stick to your habits long-term.Another benefit of micro habits is their ability to bypass the brain's resistance to change. Our brains are wired to seek comfort and avoid discomfort, making it challenging to adopt new behaviors. However, by breaking down your goals into small, manageable steps, you trick your brain into accepting the change without triggering its alarm bells.But perhaps the most significant advantage of micro habits is their compounding effect. Just like how a small investment grows exponentially over time, consistent practice of micro habits yields remarkable results in the long run. Each tiny action builds upon the last, leading to transformative changes that far exceed your initial expectations.So, whether you're aiming to improve your health, boost productivity, or cultivate positive habits, remember: it's the little things that count. Embrace the power of micro habits, and watch as those small steps pave the way for big successes in your life.

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Make One, Break One: My Week 2 Update

Quick recap: Make One, Break One is a 30-Day Challenge that focuses on small steps towards a larger end goal. For my 30-Day Challenge, I chose for my "make one" habit to be: I will go on a daily 3-mile walk. For my "break one" habit: I will not drink any soda. 

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Make One, Break One: A 30-Day Challenge to Transform Your Habits

In the journey towards personal growth, the concept of "make one, break one" serves as a powerful tool for fostering positive change. By simultaneously cultivating a new, beneficial habit while shedding an old, detrimental one, you can unlock your potential for lasting transformation. Embarking on a 30-day challenge centered around this principle involves committing to small, manageable steps each day. Whether it's incorporating mindfulness practices, such as meditation or journaling, to make room for self-reflection, or gradually reducing screen time to break the habit of excessive digital consumption, every action contributes to the journey of self-improvement. Simply commit to making one small step towards the positive change you would like to adopt into your life. Throughout the challenge, it's essential to embrace patience and perseverance, recognizing that change doesn't happen overnight. Celebrate each milestone and learn from setbacks, understanding that progress is a continuous process.As the days pass, the synergy between making one positive change and breaking one negative pattern becomes increasingly evident. By the end of the 30 days, you will emerge with newfound habits that align with your goals and values, taking a small step towards your ultimate goals.The "make one, break one" approach empowers you to take control of your habits and shape your future one step at a time. Through consistent effort and dedication, the journey towards personal evolution becomes not only attainable but also immensely rewarding.

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Make One, Break One: My 30-Day Challenge

I think my brain is wired like so many other women's brains - I feel I have so many thoughts, plans, and ideas bouncing around in my head that I sometimes don't know which way is up. It can be hard to fully focus on one project or idea at a time because I quickly get distracted by another, more pressing project or task (why does this family expect me to constantly feed them?!?! j/k - kind of). I end most days wondering what happened to all of the time that day and why my list didn't get done. 

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Unveiling the Best Daily Face Moisturizers for Women Over 40: A Comprehensive Comparison

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Breaking Free: A Practical Guide to Quitting Bad Habits

Breaking a bad habit is often easier said than done. Whether it's biting your nails, smoking, or procrastinating, habits can be deeply ingrained in our routines and psyche. However, with determination, patience, and the right strategies, it's possible to overcome them. Here's a comprehensive guide on how to quit a bad habit:1. Acknowledge the Habit: The first step towards change is recognizing and admitting the habit. Understand why it's harmful and how it impacts your life negatively. This self-awareness forms the foundation for your journey towards quitting.2. Set Clear Goals: Define your reasons for quitting and set specific, achievable goals. Whether it's improving your health, productivity, or relationships, having clear objectives will keep you motivated and focused.3. Replace with Positive Habits: Replace the negative habit with a positive one. For instance, if you're trying to quit smoking, find alternative activities like exercise or meditation to cope with cravings. Redirecting your energy towards constructive habits helps fill the void left by the old habit.4. Identify Triggers: Understand the triggers that prompt your habit and avoid them whenever possible. Whether it's stress, boredom, or social situations, recognizing and managing triggers is crucial for breaking the habit loop.5. Practice Mindfulness: Develop mindfulness techniques to observe your thoughts and cravings without acting on them. Mindfulness meditation can help increase self-awareness and control over your impulses, making it easier to resist temptation.6. Seek Support: Don't hesitate to reach out for support from friends, family, or support groups. Surround yourself with people who encourage and motivate you to stay on track. Sharing your struggles and progress with others can provide accountability and encouragement.7. Stay Patient and Persistent: Breaking a habit takes time and effort, so be patient with yourself. Understand that setbacks are a natural part of the process and use them as learning opportunities. Stay persistent and committed to your goals, even when faced with challenges.8. Celebrate Milestones: Celebrate your achievements along the way, no matter how small. Recognizing your progress boosts confidence and reinforces your commitment to change. Treat yourself to something special or indulge in a favorite activity as a reward for reaching milestones.9. Visualize Success: Visualize yourself free from the habit and living a healthier, happier life. Create mental images of the benefits of breaking the habit, such as improved health, productivity, and self-esteem. Visualizing success enhances motivation and reinforces your determination to quit.10. Learn from Relapses: If you slip up and revert to the old habit, don't be too hard on yourself. Instead, analyze what triggered the relapse and learn from it. Use the experience to adjust your strategies and strengthen your resolve to overcome the habit for good.Breaking a bad habit is a challenging but rewarding journey that requires commitment, self-discipline, and resilience. By following these steps and staying focused on your goals, you can successfully quit any bad habit and unlock a healthier, happier life. Remember, change is possible, and every step towards breaking free from a bad habit brings you closer to becoming the best version of yourself.

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The Ultimate Guide for Women Over 40: Choosing the Perfect Exfoliant

As we age, maintaining healthy, radiant skin becomes increasingly important. Exfoliation is a crucial step in any skincare routine, especially for women over 40. It helps slough off dead skin cells, unclogs pores, and promotes cell turnover, revealing a smoother, more youthful complexion. With an abundance of exfoliating products on the market, finding the right one can be overwhelming. To simplify your search, let's compare the top five exfoliants tailored for women over 40:1. Paula's Choice Skin Perfecting 2% BHA Liquid Exfoliant: This all-time favorite exfoliant features salicylic acid (BHA), which penetrates deep into pores to dissolve impurities and unclog them. Ideal for mature skin, it also contains soothing ingredients to reduce redness and inflammation, leaving your skin refreshed and rejuvenated.2. Drunk Elephant T.L.C. Sukari Babyfacial: This potent mask combines a blend of AHAs and BHAs to deliver a professional-grade exfoliation experience at home. Formulated with glycolic, tartaric, lactic, citric, and salicylic acids, it effectively resurfaces the skin, minimizes fine lines, and improves overall texture and tone. Perfect for those seeking a spa-like treatment in the comfort of their own home.3. Sunday Riley Good Genes All-In-One Lactic Acid Treatment: Infused with lactic acid, this multitasking treatment gently exfoliates the skin while also brightening and clarifying it. Lactic acid is known for its hydrating properties, making it suitable for mature skin prone to dryness. With regular use, you can expect smoother, more luminous skin with reduced signs of aging.4. Dermalogica Daily Microfoliant: Unlike traditional exfoliants, this unique powder formula activates upon contact with water, releasing papain, salicylic acid, and rice enzymes to polish away dull skin cells. Gentle yet effective, it buffs away impurities without causing irritation, making it suitable for all skin types, including sensitive and mature skin.5. The Ordinary AHA 30% + BHA 2% Peeling Solution: This intense exfoliating treatment combines alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs) and beta hydroxy acids (BHAs) to target multiple skin concerns, including dullness, uneven texture, and blemishes. Despite its high concentration of exfoliating acids, it's surprisingly gentle on the skin and delivers noticeable results after just one use. ***most economical***When choosing an exfoliant for your skincare routine, consider your skin type, concerns, and sensitivity level. Start with a lower concentration of acids and gradually increase as your skin builds tolerance. Always follow up with a moisturizer and sunscreen to protect your skin from potential sensitivity to sunlight. With the right exfoliant, you can achieve smoother, brighter, and more youthful-looking skin at any age.

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